SFRD Introduction
Superior Foundation for Research and Development (SFRD) is a registered non-profitable and non-political entity that functions as the implementation arm of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives of The Superior Group (TSG). Education, Entrepreneurial revolution, health, environment, community development, and media form prime areas of its focus. SFRD extends support to increase access to basic services to the disadvantaged and marginalized segments of society along with undertaking policy level engagement through its action research to inform and improve the governance systems of Pakistan.
As implementation arm of the Superior Group’s CSR initiatives, SFRD adheres to the CSR Guidelines of the Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) and collaborates with stakeholders to realize the aim of building a just and equitable society leading towards an economically superior Pakistan.
Our interventions in the aforementioned areas encompass the following:

- Education: Support for literacy, school education, and higher education in the light of Article 25A of the Constitution of Pakistan and Principles of Policy
- Health: Provision of financial and technical support to provide easy access to quality health services to the disadvantaged communities
- Research: Knowledge contribution and identification of unaddressed areas
SFRD works closely with the following entities of The Superior Group (TSG) and from other group of stakeholders:
Superior University and Superior Group of Colleges for higher education scholarships for marginalized communities, CMACED to for entrepreneurial development including promotion of social initiatives, ANCRD for research and development, CMA Hospital for facilitating deserving community healthcare, and Media Network for media advocacy.
Help build Pakistan into a social welfare state through socio-economic empowerment of citizens and communities.
To realize and advance the rights of people by strengthening communities across Pakistan by value added interventions in the fields of social entrepreneurship, research and development, quality education and healthcare, media advocacy, environment, gender equality, and community empowerment; along with undertaking efforts to improve the governance structures through evidence based advocacy.
Respect for Diversity
Building Partnerships