Mission Essar- Flood Relief Fund

Left with nothing, one of the most severe climate catastrophes Pakistan is ranked eighth among counties most vulnerable to climate crises despite contributing less than one percent to global carbon emissions, according to the Climate Change Risk Index 2022. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) says that since the beginning of the monsoon season till […]
Women are the twin halves of men

The Superior Group was founded on the dream of contributing to an economically superior Pakistan. TSG has made a lasting impact across a plethora of social and developmental avenues. One of the proudest achievements of the group is the foundation of the Superior Foundation for Research & Development. The Superior Foundation for Research and Development […]
The Secret to Living is Giving

Superior University funded a food drive of up to 6 Million rupees Author: Fajar Shakeel This ever-changing world needs unprecedented kindness. Giving entails more than just making a difference; it also entails creating a sadaqah jariya. Continuous charity (sadaqah jariya) refers to such a good deed, the benefit of which is endless. The reward will […]
How to generate Business Idea?

ETTP offered a training session on how to generate a business idea, it was designed for coaches to assist students in developing competitive business concepts by analyzing market gaps and weaknesses. The course covered everything from the fundamentals to advanced tactics and strategies for coming up with a viable commercial idea. This enabled the students […]
Women- A force of change

The Superior Group was founded on the dream of contributing to an economically superior Pakistan. TSG has made a lasting impact across a plethora of social and developmental avenues. One of the proudest achievements of the group is the foundation of the Superior Foundation for Research & Development. The Superior Foundation for Research and Development […]
Corporate Submit Responsibility 2022

Social Entrepreneurship program (SEP) is representing Superior Foundation in The International CSR Awards 2022 organized by NFEH at Serena Hotel Islamabad. Mission ESSAR
Superior Foundation for Research and Development Sponsors over 6 million PKR

The Superior University has a clear vision to become the best research-based university in the country. In line with this vision, Superior conducts the annual Research Recognition Awards to honour the leaders in the research field. This year, Superior organised Research Week 2022 from 4th to 9th March 2022 which was specifically designed to facilitate […]
Adding value to others is the surest way to add values in our own lives.

Social Entrepreneurship Program (SEP) an altruistic unit of CMACED serving humanity. The SEP is adding value & creating hope in the society. This program is meant to empower Pakistani youth with indigenous education and training program to create a social change through community outreach initiatives that ultimately lead towards a prosperous Pakistan. it’s a unique […]
A member of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)

Superior University- A member of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) We dreamt, we worked hard, and we conquered. Author: Fajar Shakeel Congratulations! Superior University is now a member of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI). The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) is an initiative that aligns institutions of higher education with the United Nations in […]
United Nations Academic Impact & Social Entrepreneurship Program

Social Entrepreneurship Program is an altruistic unit of CMACED serving humanity. The SEP is adding value and creating hope in the society. This program is meant to empower Pakistani Youth with indigenous education and training program to create a social change through community outreach initiative that ultimately led towards a prosperous Pakistan. All the activities […]