Social Entrepreneurships Program
Superior Social entrepreneurship program is working to develop a mindset of youth towards social entrepreneurship. Pakistan is one of those countries where the need for social entrepreneurs is indispensable. There are various national and international social enterprises who are working on societal development. However, formal academic efforts to train young generation are of pivotal importance to bring productive outcomes. Therefore, the primary objective of this program “Social entrepreneurship” is not only to make students understand the ideology of social entrepreneurship and its strong linkage with social change but also to make them active learners, actors and influencers of society. The overall pragmatic approach configured in this program will instill students with all proficiencies required to become a social entrepreneur in the diverse fields of society.
This specific program is providing an opportunity for the students to explore their local communities and address varied levels of issues prevailing there. The mission of this program is to flourish the citizenship behavior among Pakistani youth by delivering indigenous education and training programs and empowering them to create a social change through community outreach initiatives that ultimately leads towards a prosperous Pakistan”. To accomplish this mission SEP performs as an incubator where students can learn the appropriate skills according to their context or program such as need assessment, writing proposals, budgeting, action planning, societal marketing, monitoring, evaluation and sustainability while keeping in view of local economic, social, political, and geographical conditions. (May ALLAH ALMIGHTY Helps Us).